Companion Planting: From Edible Flowers to the Three Sisters


Companion planting is the practice of organizing plants so that they benefit one another, contribute to the health of the soil, and create an environment for both plants and critters to thrive. It works to mirror what takes place in nature to create a replica of that environment in the garden. I have found companion planting to help me maximize my growing space, minimize harmful pests, build healthy soil, and increase beneficial insects, pollinators, and birds.

Just like humans, some plants get along and others don’t. For example, potatoes seem to be controversial as they take up a lot of space underground, which compete with other plant roots. Garlic and onion are aromatic that is helpful in deterring unwanted pests but can stunt the growth of peas. Sunflowers attract bees, butterflies, and birds but can establish territory through a process call allelopathy that can hinder the growth of other plants. Beans add nitrogen to the soil, borage acts as a decoy for aphids, and mint deters cabbage moths.

The more I learn about companion planting, the more awe and respect I have for the inner-workings of what nature already knows and does. However, it can also be overwhelming and information overload, so I have done my best here to take what I have learned to make it readily accessible to put to practice whether in a patio container garden or raised beds.

Through my own gardening adventures and research, I have created a companion planting chart, one of my favorite features is that each item from flower to herb to fruit to vegetable is edible (yes, edible flowers)! I have grown almost all of the plants in the chart or they are on my list to grow this year, which means it isn’t comprehensive but includes many of my favorites. It is a large list of plants and even though I created it, I can get overwhelmed, so make sure to read the tips before getting started. To download my Companion Planting Chart by PWM for free, head to my shop.

Here are some of my favorite companion plants and tips:


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  • marigolds: these often get dismissed because they are not considered as pretty as other flowers, but they are a must-have companion plant for any size garden. They attract beneficial insects, deter unwanted pests, and help keep beneath the soil nematodes away. They are great for planting along the edges and borders of vegetable gardens and get along with most plants. Their musky smell can compete with other aromatic herbs and flowers, so just keep them spaced out a bit. Make sure to give them some space between beans and brassica family plants.

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  • borage: this became a quick favorite last season as it is a highly productive plant, the flowers and leaves are both edible, and it acts as a decoy for aphids. This means that the aphids find a home with borage instead of with tomatoes, but the borage isn’t harmed by the aphids. The blue flowers have a cucumber-like taste and are beautiful on flowers, in cocktails, or on desserts. The leaves are best when young and tender, but work well combined in salads, soups, are as any green, made into pesto. The plant can grow large, so don’t make the mistake I did and plant it within inches of your tomato plant, instead give it some room between neighboring plants.

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  • calendula: this edible and medicinal flower will produce well into the Fall, has mostly bright orange and yellow flowers, and repels hornworms, beetles, and moths. I’ve found research to show that the roots can help in the removal of certain toxins from the soil, but since I’m not a scientist I have not actually tested this. Although the petals are edible, whether raw or cooked, they are more often used as a natural dye or the whole flower head is dried and used medicinally in oils and creams. I haven’t found calendula to have any garden foes, so I generously plant this throughout my all my gardens.

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  • nasturtium: this vining plant can be jump started early indoors and act as a climber or semi-ground cover throughout the garden. It attracts hummingbirds and repels pests like aphids, beetles, and squash bugs. Like borage, aphids will be attracted to nasturtium instead of the neighboring plants but won’t be impacted. The flowers are edible and can be stuffed like squash flowers. My favorite aspect of nasturtiums are the round shape of their leaves, they remind me of something a bit tropical or lily pads. I haven’t found any garden foes, so I inter-plant nasturtiums throughout my garden.


  • chive: this is one of the staple herbs in my garden that I inter-plant throughout all my beds. Their garlicky-onion smell helps repel pests and is said to improve the flavor of neighboring plants, especially carrots and celery. They are a cut-and-come-again perennial, which means the more you cut they more they grow and will return year after year. I usually leave some uncut and let go to flower because their purple petals are a pretty addition to the garden, as well are delicious themselves. Last year I made a chive-flower vinaigrette that was delicious on green and potato salads. Give chives some distance from beans or peas, but otherwise can be planted throughout the garden.

  • dill: this is one of my favorite herbal companion plants, I also like the whimsy of the plant’s leaves. Dill is excellent to inter-plant with the brassica family, especially cabbage as it attracts parasitic wasps that prey on cabbage worm. I have been challenged growing it from seed, so purchasing starts that are a slow-bolting breed is recommended. Also, keep it away from carrots and tomatoes, they are non-companions. Fresh dill is delicious in summer potato salads, garnish for fish, or used in salad dressings.

  • sage: this herb has culinary and medicinal uses, but not all sage plants are edible, some are used as ornamentals and for the flowering aspect to attract pollinators. I incorporate a variety of sage into my garden and although I love the pretty flowers, my favorite is garden sage for its pungent smell and culinary use. Homegrown dried sage saved for cooking with during the holidays is delicious! Common (or garden) sage repels cabbage moth, carrot fly, and beetles. Aside from cucumbers, it can be inter-planted with other garden plants. I often plant sage similarly to marigolds, as a border plant.

  • lemongrass: this is not a plant I commonly see gardeners grow, but I grow it every year. Its aromatic properties help repel mosquitoes, so when inter-planted with lavender, mint, and marigolds on the patio it can help keep some of those annoying pests away. It can be inter-planted with fruit trees, flowers, and vegetables; it just needs full sun. It adds texture and dimension to the garden and adds flavor to the kitchen. I grow this from seed, but most nurseries will care a small selection of starts. Just watch out, pets love to eat this plant!


  • the three sisters: corn, bean, squash: this is a companion planting trio used first by Native Americans and First Nations. The stalk of the corn acts as a trellis for the bean, the bean adds nitrogen to the soil, and the squash leaves act as a protective cover to the soil while also deterring pests. Corn and beans need vertical growing space while squash needs sprawling space, so this trio is best for in the ground or raised bed gardening. I grow as many beans as possible and can them to use throughout the winter and give as gifts. Zucchini is a prolific squash so just one or two plants is all you need. All three of these can be directly seeded into the ground next to each other, I often start these seeds indoors to give them a jump start. Non-companions for this trio include onion, potato, and tomatoes.

  • cucumber: this is one of my favorite plants to have in the garden each year because they use little space, trellis vertically, and are great fresh or canned. They can sensitive to their surroundings so planting them with the right companions can support their growth. They do well with cabbage, carrot, lettuce greens, onion, and more. Just keep them away from potato and aromatic herbs, like oregano and sage. Canning to make your own pickles is popular with gardeners, just make sure to grow pickling cucumbers if you want to do this. Slicing cucumbers are great fresh.

  • tomato: this is a plant in the nightshade family, a term you’ll often see in companion planting resources. Tomatoes love sun (and warm soil) and do well with carrot, onion, basil, nasturtium, and most other nightshades. Corn, dill, fennel, and potato are non-companions, so keep them in different parts of the garden (this could even mean just a several feet apart from my experience). Aphids will often attack tomatoes so planting borage or nasturtium near by will help. Tomatoes grow up and out so companion plants need to be planted near but not directly next to the tomato plant so that everyone has enough room. I love drying cherry tomatoes and making marinara. Gardeners often grow and can tomatoes for use throughout the winter.

The companion planting list goes on and on. If you are newer to food gardening, pick a few plants that you want to grow, identify their companions, and start there. Trying to grow the list from the whole chart could be overwhelming and turn into more work and food waste than hoped for, so starting with your few favorites is best. Remember that soil, water, and sunlight are three key ingredients to successful growing no matter if you following companion planting practices or not. So first start with making sure those three ingredients are in place, then start adding your plants.

I love companion planting and can’t imagine growing food in any other way. This year I am excited to experiment a bit more with it as I move from keeping the crops in block or row-like sections next to their companions, to weaving them together. Nature has a lot teach us about what works or doesn’t work, so your plants will tell you if they like who they are planted next to, if their soil has the nutrients they need, or if they are thirsty for some water. Happy companion planting!